Catching up
If you have been following the progress involving my current project on Facebook or Instagram which has been in the works since December, you will no doubt have seen the images in this post before. These will be much better quality though, since I'm sure you have noticed that those platforms compress images and video a wee bit ;)
Adding materials
I wanted the materials to be realistic, if not photo realistic. The end result will be a series of posters and flash cards intended to be teaching aids, so I am going for a somewhat artistic look as well. There are a number of repeating materials across all of the images to maintain a cohesion as a series. I wanted most of the assets to be comprised of Steal and dark, heavy leather, and some wolf like fur. The fur only came into the equation part way through the creation process when I saw how boring some of the assets looked and in need of some pizazz.
All of the materials are procedurally generated in Blender. The semi-exception to this is the leather. Those are using PBR texture files from CC0 Textures as their base. I'll share some of the node setup for this in another post, but I will just be posting the assets below for now.
The Assets
That's it for the material shots! There are some physical imposabilities on the boots, but they are only for stills. I also didn't include any other angles for the shield since there is nothing to see in back. Ironic, since I probably spent the most time on the shield materials. I need it to look nicely banged up. Please remember to like and leave your thoughts in the comments!