Six Ways to Merge Geometry in Blender

Tutorial / 27 April 2022

Here is a really quick video about the merge menu in Blender and the options it affords. It's mostly for Blender newbies BUT maybe you have been using Blender for a while and still don't know the difference between collapse and merge at center...

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Tutorial: Make a Modern Kitchen Range

Tutorial / 26 April 2022

This is the last of the three major appliance we need to make before moving onto the rest of our kitchen design!

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Tutorial: Making a Dishwasher for Archviz in Blender

Tutorial / 29 March 2022

Every arch-viz kitchen scene needs a dishwasher, among other appliances. In this Blender tutorial we will be creating modern dishwasher with a procedural stainless steel front. Everything will be kept to real world scale and made to look great in any realistic archviz kitchen scene.

If you are more interested in just downloading the model and the materials to pick them apart then you can help support the channel by picking them up in my store! 

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Tutorial: Create Trees Using the Skin Modifier in Blender

Tutorial / 16 March 2022

Creating stylized 3D trees can be a challenge. Fortunately for you, Blender makes it easy to make low poly trees in any shape you want. The skin modifier makes it possible to quickly create endless variations very quickly without sculpting or endless box modeling.

In this Blender tutorial we will go through the process of creating a tree from a single vertex to adding branches and leaves with particles. In the end you will have a semi-realistic tree that you can leave as is or take it even further with sculpting or displacement. 

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Create a Valentine Candy Dish in Blender

Tutorial / 15 February 2022

What could be better than giving your valentine a virtual Valentine's Day heart shaped glass candy dish filled with hot cinnamon candy that you made yourself in Blender to show them just how much you love them? If you are an adult...probably anything else. Some good ideas would be chocolate, roses, an Nvidia RTX 3090. Happy Valentine's Day!

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Tutorial: Create a Looping Turntable Animation in Blender

Tutorial / 08 February 2022

Show off your models with a looping turntable animation in Blender. There are many ways to do this and we cover three methods in this tutorial using key frames to animate. While recorded using Blender 3.0 these methods work in any version of blender 3D. The basics of key frames are the launching pad into the world of 3D animation. 

Find this tutorial helpful? Remember to tag  @Blender Forge  on Instagram and Facebook when posting your work!  

As always, if you like my tutorials and artwork please consider supporting my channel by liking, subscribing, Buy Me A Coffee! Thanks! 


Tutorial: How to use Blender's Bevel Modifier

Tutorial / 08 February 2022

The bevel modifier is one of the most used modifiers in Blender. It has so many uses. Perhaps the most common being to make the sharp edges of objects look more realistic. Did you know that there is a lot more you can do with it? Custom bevel shapes and alternate materials just to name two.  In this tutorial we will cover all aspects of the modifier's use and settings, as well as things to look out for in order to avoid common pitfalls.  

This Blender tutorial is for beginners. Don't know what a modifier is? In Blender, modifiers are operations applied to an object that do not change the original mesh. Multiple modifiers can be stacked in order to perform one operation after another. All modifiers can be changed, reordered, added, or removed at any time without changing the original mesh. This is called a non-destructive modeling workflow, or simple non- destructive workflow. 

Find this tutorial helpful? Remember to tag  @Blender Forge  on Instagram and Facebook when posting your work!  

As always, if you like my tutorials and artwork please consider supporting my channel by liking, subscribing, Buy Me A Coffee! Thanks! 


Tutorial: Create Glowing Crystals in Blender (No Modeling or Geo Nodes)

Tutorial / 27 January 2022

It's here! The Glowing crystals tutorial is on YouTube and waiting just for you!

Generate crystals with nothing more than modifiers on a basic mesh? Yes! There's no need to jump into geometry nodes either. Create endless variation with just a few clicks and spend your time making the rest of your seen! While my earlier crystal tutorial spent quite a bit of it's time using the free Bool Tool add-on to create shapes and cleaning up the mesh, much of this tutorial is about material creation since actually making the shape takes no time at all! 

For the beginner this tutorial will give you some idea of what can be done without ever modeling a mesh and instead use modifiers to make generative shapes in order to quickly populate a scene. We will also be creating some procedural materials rather than only relying on texture sets. 

The tutorial uses a number of free texture assets as part of a material. Here are the links for those! You will only need the roughness maps from these sets.
Scratched metal

The scene is lit by an HDRI. Download it here. Grab the HDR format. Any resolution will be fine since it will not show in the final render.
Artist Workshop

Want to try another method of creating similar crystals in Blender? Check out my earlier tutorial using the boolean method!

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Tutorial: Master Blender's Array Modifier

Tutorial / 21 January 2022

This tutorial was uploaded to YouTube a little while ago. I just forgot to post anything about it here! I have been making some short tutorials on YouTube covering all the details of some of the most used modifiers in Blender. This one is one of my favorite. The array modifier!

You can follow the progress of whatever I happen to be working on at the moment on my Artstation blog and by following ArtOfKarlB on any of the following platforms.

For strictly tutorial stuff follow @BlenderForge on the same socials or subscribe to Blender Forge on YouTube.


Tutorial: Master Blender's Mirror Modifier

Tutorial / 19 January 2022

Have you ever noticed there are some settings in every modifier that you never touch? Me too! I am making it a goal to explore and learn what all of those things are in the most common modifiers in Blender and passing that knowledge onto you! I am creating some short videos to cover these modifiers and their options. I do not plan on making them weekly, but rather between my other tutorials. Hopefully they will be useful to you!

We've already covered the screw modifier. Let's explore the mirror modifier.

You can follow the progress of whatever I happen to be working on at the moment on my Artstation blog and by following ArtOfKarlB on any of the following platforms.

For strictly tutorial stuff follow @BlenderForge on the same socials or subscribe to Blender Forge on YouTube.
