Learn Blender as an Absolute Beginner: Part 12

Tutorial / 04 November 2021

Part 12 of the Blender for Absolute Beginners tutorial series is now on Youtube!

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Learn Blender as an Absolute Beginner: Part 11

Tutorial / 14 October 2021

Part eleven of the Learn Blender as an Absolute Beginner series is ready to watch on YouTube and IGTV! Let's start making the window for our scene along with some materials for a Cycles render.


The Saga Continues!

Tutorial / 06 October 2021

Learn Blender as an Absolute Beginner continues!

In this episode we will be modeling the vanity cabinet for our bathroom scene while taking full advantage of the modifier stack to lighten the workload considerably. Once the vanity and windows are complete, we can move onto creating materials and assembling the final scene!

See the final image you will be creating here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Nx6nN5

What? You missed episode 9!?

Here it is! It's time to dive into particles! Lets give our towel a bit of a fuzzy look as we continue creating our bathroom scene.



Three new epidodes!

Tutorial / 24 September 2021

Epidoses 6, 7, and 8

Epidoses 6, 7, and 8 are now available on YouTube and IGTV! I got busy and forgot to post about the three latest episodes of Learn Blender as an Absolute Beginner. I know you were wondering where they were ;) 

In these episodes we cover a bunch of items such as using exact measurements, radial arrays, correcting normals, and sculpting!

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Find me on these platforms as well!



Learn Blender as an Absolute Beginner: Part 5

Tutorial / 01 September 2021

Episode 5

Part five of my introduction to Blender for absolute beginners series is now available on YouTube and IGTV! In this episode we bring in reference images and model some sink hardware while introducing the mirror modifier.

At the end of the series you will have created this image! See the full size and variations here.

Find me on these platforms as well!



Learn Blender as an Absolute Beginner: Part 4

Tutorial / 25 August 2021

Episode 4

Part four of my introduction to Blender for absolute beginners series is now available on YouTube and IGTV! In this episode we bring in reference images and model some sink hardware while introducing the mirror modifier.

At the end of the series you will have created this image! See the full size and variations here.

Find me on these platforms as well!



Learn Blender as an Absolute Beginner: Part 3

Tutorial / 18 August 2021

Part three of my introduction to Blender tutorial series is now available on YouTube and IGTV! This week we start actually creating objects for the bathroom scene.

Find me on these platforms as well!



Learn Blender as an Absolute Beginner: Part 2!

Tutorial / 11 August 2021

Part two of my introduction to Blender tutorial series is now available on YouTube and IGTV! We wrap up with the interface and basic tools in this one.  The next video will dive into creating the bathroom scene and is much longer. 

Find me on these platforms as well!



How to install Mtree for Blender

Tutorial / 17 June 2021

I have had a few questions from people following my tutorial on creating trees in blender. Most of the difficulties faced have been with the actual installation process for the add-on. I did not cover how to install the add-on itself in the original tutorial. Now there is a follow-up video covering just that!

Find me on these platforms as well!



Tutorial: Create trees using MTree in Blender

Tutorial / 17 April 2021

Those of you who have been following my recent projects on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Blenderartists, and Mewe have also been asking how I created the final trees in the Isengard scene. I went through many iterations of different tree creating processes, but the fasted method with the best results turned out to be a free add-on for Blender called MTree. MTree provides a node based, procedural creation process that is completely nondestructive.  An artist can create a set of realistic trees in minutes without ever modeling a thing! This video shows exactly how to do just that.

Please like, comment, and follow!

Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/karlb
Mewe: https://mewe.com/p/artofkarlb
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArtOfKarlB
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artofkarlb/
