The perfect sword for wandering the land in search of adventures to prove one's chivalry...until you take an arrow in the knee.
The perfect sword for wandering the land in search of adventures to prove one's chivalry...until you take an arrow in the knee.
Today’s Swordtember prompt is “spymaster”. I have to be honest, I have no idea what that is. So here is a sword disguised as an umbrella.
Day two of Swordtember2023. Today's prompt is Rogue. Since a rogue character would not be using a large sword, I have made dual short swords.
Day two of Sowrdtember! Today the wielder is a wizard. As per my usual, modeling, sculpting, post, and rendering were all done in Blender. I am trying out Substance painter for materials.
Here is my first piece for this year’s Swordtember. It was modeled, sculpted, and rendered in Blender. Texturing was Substance Painter.
Hi there,
If you saw my latest piece, Desert Fortress, you may have missed the update that occurred to it this morning. I've uploaded an alternate render of the castle in a night setting. It's pretty cool. Click that link and check it out!
Laters :)
I recently became aware of a free post processing app called FotoSketch which has the purpose of making photos look like various styles of paintings. That's cool I thought, but I'm not a photographer. I wondered if it would work on well with renders from Blender. It should, right? Here are a few of the results I have been able to produce.
I first revisited my Mason Jars project. I think these make great subjects for a painting in the kitchen or something.
Have you ever wanted to have and HDRI for the background of your scene in Blender, but want the objects to be lit by a different HDRI? You can definitely do that! This Blender tutorial covers two methods using nodes to manipulate the world. These are shader nodes that work in both Cycles and Eevee. Not to be confused with geometry nodes. I'll have a geo nodes tutorial coming soon though!
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In my last post I said that every arch-viz kitchen scene needs a dishwasher, among other appliances. Well, among those other appliances is the refrigerator! In this Blender tutorial we will be creating modern fridge with a procedural stainless steel front to match the dishwasher and upcoming range. Everything will be kept to real world scale and made to look great in any realistic arch-viz kitchen scene.
As in the dishwasher tutorial, if you are more interested in just downloading the model and the materials to pick them apart then you can help support the channel by picking them up in my store!
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